BLAS is a widely used linear algebra library which provides fast matrix/vector operations such as multiplication. OpenBLAS is an optimized and parallel version of BLAS. Finally, jBLAS is a Java wrapper of above libraries as well as LAPACK and ATLAS. Couple of days ago, I would like to create a jBLAS jar file built with OpenBLAS. It wasn’t as easy as I thought.

Here is the story. I’m working on Deep Learning. This area is now dominated by GPUs since you can basically vectorize (express the instruction with vector/matrix operations) the heaviest parts of the algorithms. Who’s the master for processing vector operations? Yeah, GPUs. Here is one analysis of using GPU instead of using single/multi core CPU in Natural Language Processing. You can even see 100x speed-up from single CPU in particular settings. As expected, this speed-up is very useful especially if you’re working on large datasets. All this sounds exciting but what if you don’t have any GPU at your fingertips? This is the situation that I face at work. So, will you be satisfied to train your model on one CPU and wait (or fighting with swords) for couple of weeks? No, right? Here is one alternative for Java users to bring down weeks to days depending on how many cores your machine have. Therefore, I will explain how to create a JBLAS jar wrapped with OpenBLAS on Linux.

sudo apt-get -y install git-core build-essential gfortran
git clone
cd OpenBLAS
make install PREFIX=/opt/OpenBLAS
sudo ldcache
cd ../
git clone
cd jblas
./configure --static-libs --libpath=/opt/OpenBLAS/lib --libs=openblas --download-lapack --build-type=openblas
ant static-lean-jar

If you want to install OpenBLAS elsewhere please change all the /opt/OpenBLAS/lib with an appropriate path. Instead of using ant in the last step, I tried make all-jars but it gives me error such as lean-jar does not exist in the java-blas project. Since the libraries are most likely not used by other processes, instead of building dynamic jar, I decided to go with static jar by running the command ant static-lean-jar.

The simple java code and the Makefile. In order to run the code you just need to create a directory named jars, copy the jar you have just created in jblas directory into jars and run make test in the same directory with Makefile.

Let me know if you get any error.